The Most Refreshing Summer Drink

Summer has officially arrived, and it’s the perfect season to sit back, relax and drink Picota Pimm’s! The special Jerte Picota cherry is the perfect addition in a delicious glass of Pimm’s.


*Makes 1 Jug

  • 100ml Pimm’s No. 1
  • 225g Jerte Picota cherries, pitted
  • 200ml soda water or lemonade
  • 2 sprigs fresh mint
  • 2 slices of cucumber
  • fresh Jerte Picota cherries, to serve
  • ice, crushed



  1. Place the Jerte Picota cherries into a food processor until a smooth purée is produced.
  2. Put the Jerte Picota cherry purée, cucumber slices, 1 mint sprig and Pimm’s in a jar and mix well.
  3. Pour in the soda water/lemonade and add crushed ice, then gently stir.
  4. To serve, pour into glasses and garnish with fresh mint leaves and Jerte Picota cherries.

Enjoy this refreshing and tasty drink just in time for summer!